In a worrisome, troubled world, people took comfort when President Hinckley said, in his fatherly, assuring way, "It isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out."

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I've Been Tagged

OK Lisa, you tagged me so here are my answers.

Ten years ago I was:
1. I was younger.
2. I had fewer gray hairs.
3. I was not a grandmother. (I adore my grandchildren)
4. OK I'm too old to remember ten years ago.
I can't remember what I had for breakfast.

Five things on today's to do list:
1. Get a flu shot.
2. Work on the Sunday bulletin for church.
3. Go out to eat with friends.
4. Brush Mushu.
5. Go to a craft group meeting.

Five snacks I enjoy:
1. Anything CHOCOLATE
2. Anything lemon.
3. Mama's pound cake.
4. Ice cream
5. Krispy Cream donuts

Five things I would do if I were a millionare:
1. Pay off my kids student loans.
2. Set up a college fund for grandchildren
3. Pay off mortgage and buy a house on the beach.
4. Pay off/buy homes for kids.
5. Travel

Five places I have lived:
1. Columbia, SC
2. Florence, SC
3. Marion, SC
4. Conway, SC
5. Goldsboro, NC

Five jobs that I have had:
1. Long distance telephone opperator.
2. Assistant to an interior decorator.
3. Assistant teacher for second grade.
4. Cafeteria manager for a private school.
5. Home daycare

Wendy added other random things so here are mine:
1. I "LOVE" being a Grandma!!
2. I have the best husband, kids (this includes in laws), and grandkids.
3. I am a craft-a-holic
4. I buy more crafts material than anyone could use in a lifetime.
5. I love to read.
6. I do NOT like housework of any kind.
7. I love animals.
8. I don't like wearing dresses.
9. I am shy.
10. I agree with Wendy, naps should be manditory for everyone.
11. I am addicted to gadgets/tecnology.
12. If I had the money I would build a sunroom, enlarge my kitchen and add a BIG craft room to my house.
13. I own "6" sewing machines. Two are antiques, two are regular machines, one is an embroidery machine, and one is the machine Mama and Papa bought me in high school. I guess that one is almost an antique too.
14. I lose track of time when I am in a craft store or a book store.
15. I can't think of anyone with a blog except Lisa and Wendy so I can't "Tag" anyone. :(

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