OK Lisa, you tagged me so here are my answers.
Ten years ago I was:
1. I was younger.
2. I had fewer gray hairs.
3. I was not a grandmother. (I adore my grandchildren)
4. OK I'm too old to remember ten years ago.
I can't remember what I had for breakfast.
Five things on today's to do list:
1. Get a flu shot.
2. Work on the Sunday bulletin for church.
3. Go out to eat with friends.
4. Brush Mushu.
5. Go to a craft group meeting.
Five snacks I enjoy:
1. Anything CHOCOLATE
2. Anything lemon.
3. Mama's pound cake.
4. Ice cream
5. Krispy Cream donuts
Five things I would do if I were a millionare:
1. Pay off my kids student loans.
2. Set up a college fund for grandchildren
3. Pay off mortgage and buy a house on the beach.
4. Pay off/buy homes for kids.
5. Travel
Five places I have lived:
1. Columbia, SC
2. Florence, SC
3. Marion, SC
4. Conway, SC
5. Goldsboro, NC
Five jobs that I have had:
1. Long distance telephone opperator.
2. Assistant to an interior decorator.
3. Assistant teacher for second grade.
4. Cafeteria manager for a private school.
5. Home daycare
Wendy added other random things so here are mine:
1. I "LOVE" being a Grandma!!
2. I have the best husband, kids (this includes in laws), and grandkids.
3. I am a craft-a-holic
4. I buy more crafts material than anyone could use in a lifetime.
5. I love to read.
6. I do NOT like housework of any kind.
7. I love animals.
8. I don't like wearing dresses.
9. I am shy.
10. I agree with Wendy, naps should be manditory for everyone.
11. I am addicted to gadgets/tecnology.
12. If I had the money I would build a sunroom, enlarge my kitchen and add a BIG craft room to my house.
13. I own "6" sewing machines. Two are antiques, two are regular machines, one is an embroidery machine, and one is the machine Mama and Papa bought me in high school. I guess that one is almost an antique too.
14. I lose track of time when I am in a craft store or a book store.
15. I can't think of anyone with a blog except Lisa and Wendy so I can't "Tag" anyone. :(