In a worrisome, troubled world, people took comfort when President Hinckley said, in his fatherly, assuring way, "It isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out."

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Easter Projects

Ok, I decided to back track and post my Easter projects.

Pillowcase, I even added yellow piping to the pink border.

 Close up of the fabric. Again I was trying to walk the line between boyish and girly.

The colors are way to bright for my taste, but I was running out of time.

Inside of card. I put stickers in the basket for a little extra treat.

Lollipop/sucker holder.

May is Martian Month

I bet you didn't know that May is "Martian Month."

Last October I started making pillowcases to send my four adorable grandchildren each month along with a fun card. The first few months were easy: October- Halloween, November- Thanksgiving, December-Christmas. I dropped the ball in January. February-Valentine's Day, March-Saint Patrick's Day, April- Easter. Then came May. hhhmmm There's Mother's day, but that doesn't lend itself to a fun kids card and pillowcase. So I went in search of a theme. We don't have a fabric shop in out little town and nothing "inspired" me at Walmart so that meant a road trip to a larger town nearby to a REAL fabric store. As I wandered the isles in a fabric induced daze, tossing bolts of fabric into my cart with reckless abandon, I saw "IT" The perfect fabric for my May projects. Cute enough for the boys but not "girly". I have three grandsons and one granddaughter so there is a fine line to be walked between boyish and girly. This fabric fit all the requirements, at least to a desperate grandma. The fabric has cute little aliens, spaceships and rockets on a light blue background. I knew there was the perfect Martian on the Everyday Paper Doll Cricut cartridge that would coordinate with the fabric and make a fun card. So TA DA "May is Martian Month" was created. I think I will lobby to have it declared a national holiday. You know to further intergalactic relations.

Anyone interested in seeing pictures of my creations? It doesn't matter, I'm going to show you anyway. If I get enough comments I may even post directions.

See, isn't that fabric soooo cute.

I love the dark blue border.

Blast off!! See my cute little Martian in the window.

Inside of card with close up of the Martian.

Ok, let's see if I get any requests for directions.