Remembering Chloe
When Dana was in high school she insisted that she needed a dog of her own. We had a dog and a cat, but she wanted a pet that was "hers". There was an ad in the paper for a beagle, which of course Dana decided would be perfect. We went to "just look" at the beagle. Never go to "just look" at an animal. You will immediately fall in love. Now most beagles are brown, black and white, but remember that the most famous beagle "Snoopy" is black and white. Our Chloe is the only other beagle I have ever seen that is black and white. When Dana went away to college, Chloe became mine.
Chloe never was the smartest dog we have owned, but she was always one of the sweetest.
She barked at every piece of papper that blew across the yard.
She sometimes would bark at the setting sun until it was out of sight.
Chloe never met a child that she didn't love and every child who met Chloe loved her. Our grandchildren and the neighbor children like Chloe better than our other dogs. Chloe was always very patient with their hugs and pats.
Chloe was with us for 15 years. He hearing and sight were failing. She had arthritis and spent her days lying in the sun.
Chloe died on Monday, August 25, 2008
Her doggie companion of more than 6 years, Toby mourns for her.
We all miss Chloe very much.